Casie Levine

Meet Casie Levine

" It was shocking how simple it was to stand out in a pile of traditional resumes - the view and download count was astounding! "

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Casie is a growth marketer at CrowdFlower. Her career journey began in the field of finance, with an education in accounting and experience in auditing and hedge fund analysis. Following a recent move to San Francisco, however, she made the significant transition into the tech industry, where she began working as a software engineer and growth hacker.

The Challenge:

When Casie began her most recent job search, she quickly found that looking for work in tech is quite different from looking for work in the finance industry. It was not enough to submit simple, traditional resumes that listed her qualifications - she needed an eye-catching resume that could showcase her personality. Further, she found that a robust online presence was necessary to stand out in a competitive market and to back up her qualifications every step of the way.

The Solution:

By hosting her VisualCV on her personal domain,, Casie can ensure that her resume is easy to share and distribute online as both a personal landing page and as a downloadable PDF. Additionally, Casie’s online CV conveniently links out to all of her social media profiles - from LinkedIn to Github to Quora. With VisualCV Pro’s resume tracking feature, Casie can also see when her online resume is getting attention.

Create your VisualCV today and land your next job faster.

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