Switzerland CV Tips & Format Requirements

Applying for a job in Switzerland? This guide has the tips, examples, & format requirements needed to write the perfect Swiss CV. Create your VisualCV today!

Swiss CV Requirements

When searching for employment in Switzerland, a great CV is an essential tool. It is important to ensure that your Switzerland CV is written with the expectations of Swiss CVs and employers in mind.

Browse our gallery of resume examples here.

Swiss CV Image

Swiss CV Tips and rules:

Application Letter: The most important part of a Swiss job application is the introduction letter. It should be no more than one page, highly targeted to the position you are applying to, and use precise, formal language. It is often hand-written, and it should mention your experience, credentials, and why you are pursuing this particular job.

Length: In most cases, your Swiss CV should be two pages long. If you have many years of experience up to three pages is acceptable, but two pages is sufficient for most job seekers.

Language: Switzerland has four official languages - Swiss German, French, Italian and Romansch - so be sure to write your CV in the appropriate language. According to Rebekka Affolter, quoted in The Local, “Unless otherwise specified, the CV should be written in the language of the employment ad.”

Resume template: Browse through our gallery of Swiss resume templates.

Swiss Style CV Template Example

swiss style cv

Swiss CV Format, Order and Layout:

Photo: The top corner of your CV should include a good quality, professional picture of you.

Personal Information: Include your name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth, nationality, and marital status. Work experience: According to Eurograduate, the order you present your work experience in is up to you - your CV can “either be chronological (which is most common), reversed chronological or functional.” Include the dates, organization, and positions held. Describe your achievements and responsibilities, emphasizing what is relevant to the role you are applying for.

Education: Display your education in chronological order, including the dates, institution, and certificates/diplomas achieved.

Other sections:

Skills: A section featuring your skills, such as language skills, computer skills, and technical skills, can be included.

Languages: As Switzerland is a multilingual country, it is important to note your language skills. Include any language certifications if you have them.

References: Include two or three references in your CV. “Don’t limit them to past or current employers,” says Rebekka Affolter. “If you are going for a job in sales, for example, it’s a good idea to have a reference from a client or a partner you’ve worked with in the past.”

import a resume example

How do I write a CV for Switzerland?

To write a Swiss CV follow these steps:

  • Add a CV summary.
  • Add contact details.
  • List your work experience.
  • List your skills.
  • Revise everything and see if you can add numbers and figures to craft a more impactful CV.
  • Add a professionally taken photo to your CV.
  • Keep the length of the CV to 2 pages.
  • Write the CV in the language that the job ad uses (e.g. Romansch).

What Are Swiss CV Requirements?

Every Swiss CV requires to have the following:

  • An introduction letter.
  • Two pages of length (or more).
  • Be written in the same language as the job advertisement.
  • Include a high quality photo.
  • Add your education.
  • Add references.


To improve your prospects of finding employment in Switzerland, ensure that your Swiss CV follows the expected format and has all the right content. Switzerland has a particular work culture and set of CV expectations, so customizing your CV to suit this reality is an important part of seeking a position there.

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