HR CV Examples

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Human Resources CV Example and Template
Human Resources Manager CV Example and Template
HR Department Manager CV Example and Template
HR Executive CV Example and Template
Human Resources CV Example and Template

How do I write a CV for HR?

To write a Human Resources CV follow these steps:

  • Start with the right HR CV template.
  • Add a CV header with your name, current HR role, your Linkedin profile and your contact information.
  • Describe your human resources work in a short professional summary of not more than 3 lines.
  • If you are an HR generalist, write your HR CV experience that impactfully shows how you covered different areas of your work including: payroll, employee benefits, employee engagement, etc.
  • If you are a specialist HR, your HR CV experience should highlight your role and its impact in context to your HR speciality.
  • List your education in a separate section.
  • Create a section to highlight your HR skills and list your software skills in it too.
  • Customize your HR CV for each job you apply to.

HR CV summary and profile

Ready to start with your HR Curriculum Vitae? See the tips below to craft the perfect HR CV. Then use our database of over 8000 CV Examples to build and view on our free CV builder.

With these HR CV tips and examples, you will have the perfect HR CV in no time.

HR CV Objective

As a Human Resources professional, you will be required to assist in the recruitment of new employees, which often involves placing ads, screening applicants, conducting interviews, and running background checks. HR professionals may also conduct orientation and training, help identify and resolve workplace conflicts, and maintain employee records.

Your HR CV should showcase your relevant experience and demonstrate that you are capable of carrying out these duties. As an HR professional, you will be expected to have exemplary written communication skills, so your CV should be written clearly and concisely and contain no errors.

HR CV Skills and Achievements

These skills are a great asset to your HR CV:

  • Results management
  • Goal setting
  • Problem solving
  • Decision making
  • Creative thinking
  • Change management
  • Customer service
  • Understanding business needs
  • Understanding clients
  • Understanding stakeholders
  • Influence management
  • Organizational skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Communication
  • Time management
  • Industry knowledge

Customize your HR CV for specific positions

Customize your CV according to the specific role you are applying to and the requirements thereof. Use the correct job title - HR positions include HR Manager, HR Generalist, HR Director, HR Assistant, HR Coordinator, HR Administrator, HR Specialist, HR Consultant, HR Officer, and more. Research each position and employer thoroughly so that you can be sure your CV is perfectly targeted.

HR CV Format

HR CVs are written in reverse-chronological order, with the most recent positions at the top of the CV. Communication is an important skill in this field, so use precise language and be sure to organize your CV clearly. For HR CV templates that really stand out, consider browsing our 500+ resumes examples sorted by position and job title.

Human Resources CV Example and Template
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