How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume
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Explaining a five-year career gap on your resume can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can be framed as a period of growth and development. Whether your gap was due to travel, raising a family, pursuing further education, or recovering from illness, it’s important to present it in a way that highlights the skills and experiences you gained.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to turn a career gap into a strength, making you an even more attractive candidate to potential employers.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume

Explaining a five-year gap on your resume can seem tough, but with a clear approach, you can show it as a time of learning and growth. Here’s how to do it:

  • Be Honest: Clearly state why you took a break. For example, say "Career Break (2017-2022) – Took time off to care for family."
  • Show What You Did: If you volunteered, freelanced, or took courses during the gap, mention these. It shows you stayed active.
  • Highlight Your Skills: Focus on any skills you gained during the gap that relate to the job you want. For example, managing a household can show budgeting and time management skills.
  • Use a Skills-Based Resume: If your gap is long, try a resume that highlights your skills rather than work history.
  • Show Continuous Learning: If you took courses or earned certifications during the gap, include them to show you kept learning.
  • List Freelance or Consulting Work: If you did any work during the gap, list it. This can go under "Freelance Projects" or "Consulting Work."
  • Include Volunteer Work: Volunteering is a great way to show you stayed engaged. List any volunteer roles under "Volunteer Experience."
  • Add a Summary: Include a short summary at the top of your resume that explains the gap and shows you’re ready to work again.
  • Keep It Positive: Focus on what you gained during the gap and how it makes you a better candidate.
  • Be Ready to Discuss: Be prepared to explain your gap in interviews. Focus on how this time off helped you get ready for the job.

By following these steps, you can easily explain a five-year gap on your resume and show that you’re ready to return to work.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Traveling the World

Explaining a five-year career gap due to traveling the world can be framed positively by highlighting the skills and experiences you gained during your journey. Employers often value the cultural awareness, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities that come from extensive travel. It’s important to show that this time was a period of growth and learning, and how those experiences make you a more well-rounded candidate.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Traveling the World Example:

Work Experience: Marketing Specialist XYZ Corporation, New York, NY January 2012 – December 2016

  • Developed marketing strategies that increased brand visibility by 20%.

Travel and Cultural Experience January 2017 – December 2021

  • Traveled across 20 countries, gaining cross-cultural communication skills, adaptability, and a global perspective on market trends.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

By including the "Travel and Cultural Experience" section, you demonstrate that your time away was purposeful and enriching. Highlighting specific skills like cross-cultural communication and adaptability shows that your travel experience has equipped you with unique perspectives and problem-solving abilities that are valuable in a professional setting. This explanation reassures employers that your gap was a productive time that has enhanced your capabilities, making you an even stronger candidate now.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Caring for a Sick Family Member

When explaining a five-year career gap due to caring for a sick family member, it's important to be honest while showing that the time away from work helped you develop valuable skills. Caregiving often involves managing complex situations, demonstrating empathy, time management, and problem-solving abilities. These are all transferable skills that can be valuable in any professional environment.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Caring for a Sick Family Member Example:

Work Experience: Project Manager ABC Corporation, Chicago, IL March 2012 – February 2017

  • Led a team to complete projects on time and under budget, increasing efficiency by 15%.

Family Caregiver March 2017 – March 2022

  • Provided full-time care for an ill family member, developing strong organizational, time management, and problem-solving skills.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

Including a "Family Caregiver" section directly addresses the gap and presents it as a period where you were actively engaged in important responsibilities. By highlighting skills like organization, time management, and problem-solving, you show that this time wasn't idle but instead was a period of significant personal development. This approach helps potential employers see your caregiving experience as an asset, demonstrating that the gap has prepared you for complex and challenging situations in the workplace.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Raising Children

Explaining a five-year career gap due to raising children can be done effectively by framing the experience as a time of developing valuable skills such as multitasking, time management, and problem-solving. These skills are highly transferable to the workplace, and emphasizing them can help show that your time away from work was both meaningful and productive.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Raising Children Example:

Work Experience: Sales Manager DEF Corporation, Los Angeles, CA April 2011 – May 2016

  • Managed a sales team that exceeded targets by 20% annually.

Parental Career Break June 2016 – June 2021

  • Focused on raising children and managing a household, which included budgeting, scheduling, and problem-solving on a daily basis.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

By adding a "Parental Career Break" section, you directly address the gap while highlighting the relevant skills gained during this period. Mentioning tasks like budgeting, scheduling, and problem-solving showcases that your time spent raising children was not just about caregiving but also involved managing complex responsibilities. This explanation helps employers see that your time away was an active period of personal and skill development, making you ready and capable to return to the workforce.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Long-Term Illness Recovery

When explaining a five-year career gap due to recovering from a long-term illness, it’s important to focus on your successful recovery and readiness to return to work. Emphasize any efforts you made during your recovery to stay informed or improve your skills, which demonstrates your commitment to your career despite the challenges you faced.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Long-Term Illness Recovery Example:

Work Experience: Software Developer GHI Tech Solutions, Austin, TX January 2012 – December 2016

  • Developed and maintained software applications that increased company efficiency by 30%.

Health and Recovery Period January 2017 – December 2021

  • Focused on recovering from a long-term illness while staying updated on industry trends through online courses in advanced programming and software development.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

Including a "Health and Recovery Period" section allows you to directly address the gap while focusing on the positive steps you took during this time. Highlighting that you stayed informed and continued learning shows potential employers that you remained engaged with your career even during a challenging period. This approach reassures employers that you have successfully overcome the illness and are fully prepared to return to the workforce with renewed skills and determination.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Going Back to School

When explaining a five-year career gap due to going back to school, you can emphasize the advanced education and new skills you gained that are directly relevant to your career goals. Highlighting your academic achievements and how they align with your professional objectives shows employers that your gap was a strategic investment in your career development.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Going Back to School Example:

Work Experience: Marketing Coordinator JKL Media Group, San Francisco, CA May 2010 – August 2015

  • Assisted in the creation and execution of marketing campaigns that increased client acquisition by 25%.

Education and Professional Development September 2015 – September 2020

  • Returned to school to earn a Master’s degree in Digital Marketing from XYZ University, focusing on advanced strategies in social media, SEO, and data analytics.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

By including an "Education and Professional Development" section, you clearly show that your five-year gap was a purposeful period focused on enhancing your qualifications. Highlighting the advanced degree and the specialized skills you gained demonstrates to employers that you’ve significantly improved your expertise, making you a stronger candidate for roles in your field. This explanation reassures potential employers that your time away was a calculated step forward in your career progression.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Switching Careers

When explaining a five-year career gap due to switching careers, it’s important to showcase the deliberate steps you took to transition into a new field. This might include gaining new qualifications, completing relevant training, or gaining hands-on experience. Emphasize how this period was a time of learning and preparation that has equipped you with the skills needed for success in your new career path.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Switching Careers Example:

Work Experience: Accountant MNO Financial Services, New York, NY January 2010 – January 2015

  • Managed financial reporting and analysis, improving accuracy by 15%.

Career Transition and Development February 2015 – February 2020

  • Dedicated time to transitioning from accounting to web development. Completed a Full Stack Developer certification and undertook freelance projects to build a robust portfolio in software development.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

Including a "Career Transition and Development" section clearly explains that the five-year gap was a proactive and intentional period of career change. By detailing the certification and practical experience gained during this time, you demonstrate to employers that you’re well-prepared for your new career path. This approach reassures them that your gap was spent acquiring the necessary skills to make a successful transition, positioning you as a strong candidate in your new field.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Starting a Business

When explaining a five-year career gap due to starting a business, it’s important to highlight the entrepreneurial skills and experiences you gained during this period. Even if the business was not ultimately successful or you chose to return to traditional employment, the skills you developed—such as leadership, problem-solving, and financial management—are highly valuable and transferable to other roles.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Starting a Business Example:

Work Experience: Sales Manager PQR Retail Solutions, Miami, FL June 2010 – June 2015

  • Led a sales team to achieve a 30% increase in revenue over five years.

Entrepreneurial Experience July 2015 – July 2020

  • Launched and managed a small e-commerce business specializing in handmade crafts. Oversaw all aspects of the business, including product development, marketing, customer service, and financial management.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

Including an "Entrepreneurial Experience" section allows you to present your five-year gap as a period of significant professional development. By outlining the comprehensive responsibilities you handled, such as managing finances, marketing, and customer relations, you demonstrate that your time running a business was filled with relevant, transferable experiences. This explanation helps employers understand that your gap was not a step back, but rather a time when you honed critical skills that will benefit your future roles.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Completing a Degree Program

When explaining a five-year career gap due to completing a degree program, it's important to emphasize the new knowledge, skills, and qualifications you gained during this time. Highlighting your academic achievements and how they align with your career goals will show employers that this gap was a purposeful investment in your professional development.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Completing a Degree Program Example:

Work Experience: Operations Coordinator STU Logistics, Dallas, TX May 2009 – May 2014

  • Coordinated logistics operations, leading to a 20% improvement in delivery efficiency.

Education and Degree Completion June 2014 – June 2019

  • Earned a Master’s degree in Supply Chain Management from XYZ University, focusing on advanced logistics strategies, data analysis, and supply chain optimization.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

Including an "Education and Degree Completion" section clearly addresses the five-year gap by showing that it was a period of academic growth directly related to your career. By emphasizing the degree and specific skills you acquired, you demonstrate to potential employers that this time was an intentional and valuable step towards advancing your expertise. This explanation reassures employers that your gap has enhanced your qualifications, making you an even stronger candidate for roles in your field.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Family Responsibilities

When explaining a five-year career gap due to family responsibilities, it's important to be honest while showing how this time developed skills that are valuable in the workplace. Managing family obligations often requires strong organizational, multitasking, and problem-solving abilities—skills that are directly transferable to many professional roles.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Family Responsibilities Example:

Work Experience: Administrative Assistant VWX Enterprises, Boston, MA January 2010 – January 2015

  • Provided administrative support, including managing schedules, organizing events, and maintaining records.

Family Responsibilities February 2015 – February 2020

  • Took a career break to focus on managing family responsibilities, including coordinating care for multiple family members, handling household finances, and organizing daily activities.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

Including a "Family Responsibilities" section on your resume directly addresses the gap while emphasizing the skills you developed during this period. By highlighting tasks like coordinating care and managing finances, you show that your time away from the workforce involved significant responsibilities and skill-building. This explanation reassures employers that your gap was a productive period where you honed valuable abilities that will contribute to your professional success.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Military Service

When explaining a five-year career gap due to military service, it's important to highlight the valuable skills and experiences gained during this period. Military service often involves leadership, discipline, teamwork, and the ability to perform under pressure—qualities that are highly sought after in many civilian roles. Emphasize how your service has prepared you for the demands of the civilian workforce.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Military Service Example:

Work Experience: Operations Manager XYZ Logistics, Seattle, WA March 2010 – March 2015

  • Managed daily operations, improving efficiency and reducing costs by 15%.

Military Service April 2015 – April 2020

  • Served as a logistics officer in the U.S. Army, leading a team responsible for the coordination and transportation of supplies. Developed strong leadership, problem-solving, and crisis management skills.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

Including a "Military Service" section allows you to directly address the career gap while highlighting the significant skills and leadership experience you gained. By emphasizing your role and responsibilities in the military, you demonstrate to potential employers that your time in service was a period of intense professional development. This explanation reassures employers that your military background has equipped you with a strong work ethic and a unique skill set, making you an excellent candidate for civilian roles.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Taking a Sabbatical

When explaining a five-year career gap due to taking a sabbatical, it’s important to frame the break as a period of intentional rest, personal growth, or professional development. Whether you used the time for travel, study, or personal enrichment, highlighting how this sabbatical has made you a more well-rounded and focused candidate can reassure employers of your readiness to return to the workforce.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Taking a Sabbatical Example:

Work Experience: Senior Analyst ABC Consulting, New York, NY January 2010 – January 2015

  • Analyzed market trends and provided strategic recommendations, contributing to a 20% increase in client retention.

Sabbatical for Personal Growth February 2015 – February 2020

  • Took a sabbatical to travel and engage in personal development activities. Focused on expanding my cultural understanding and participated in various workshops to enhance my analytical and creative thinking skills.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

Including a "Sabbatical for Personal Growth" section directly addresses the gap while presenting it as a deliberate and beneficial experience. By outlining the activities and skills gained during the sabbatical, you demonstrate to employers that this period was not idle time but rather a valuable investment in your personal and professional development. This explanation reassures employers that you are returning to the workforce with a refreshed perspective and enhanced skills.

How to Explain a Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Pursuing Creative Projects

When explaining a five-year career gap due to pursuing creative projects, you should emphasize the skills and experiences gained through your creative endeavors. Whether you were writing, painting, or involved in any other creative pursuit, highlight how this period allowed you to develop skills like project management, self-discipline, and innovative thinking, which are valuable in any professional setting.

Five Year Career Gap on Resume Due to Pursuing Creative Projects Example:

Work Experience: Content Manager XYZ Media, Los Angeles, CA March 2010 – March 2015

  • Managed a team of writers and editors, leading to a 25% increase in content engagement.

Creative Projects April 2015 – April 2020

  • Dedicated five years to writing and self-publishing a novel, which involved research, creative writing, editing, and marketing. Developed strong project management and creative problem-solving skills.

How This Explains Your 5 Year Gap Better:

Including a "Creative Projects" section provides a clear explanation for the gap and demonstrates that it was a period of active and focused work. By detailing the specific creative projects and the skills you developed, you show employers that this time was used productively and that your creative endeavors have equipped you with unique abilities that can benefit your professional career. This approach reassures employers that your gap was a time of growth, making you a more versatile and innovative candidate.

Madison Norton

Written By

Madison Norton

VP Marketing & Resume Expert

Madison is the VP Marketing and General Manager at VisualCV. He's a seasoned marketing leader, resume writing and career marketing expert and now helping people grow their own career marketing strategies to build a career they love.

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