How to List an Associate Degree on Your Resume: Tips, Formatting, & Examples
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Including your Associate Degree on your resume is a great way to showcase your educational background and relevant skills. Whether you're just starting out or changing careers, this degree can highlight your commitment to education and make your qualifications stand out to employers.

In this guide, we'll show you how to list your Associate Degree on a resume effectively. We'll cover best formatting practices, how to include relevant coursework, and share examples to help you tailor your resume for specific job applications. This will ensure your qualifications are clear and compelling to potential employers.

Should You Put Your Associate Degree on Resume

Yes, you should include your Associate Degree on your resume. It provides evidence of your educational background and shows that you have completed a higher education program, which is valuable to employers. Even if the degree isn't directly related to the job, it demonstrates your dedication and ability to pursue and complete academic goals.

Including your Associate Degree can be especially beneficial if you have limited work experience or are switching career fields. It helps fill out your resume and highlights any relevant coursework or skills you've acquired. This can make your application stronger and more competitive.

Not listing your Associate Degree might lead employers to underestimate your educational background, potentially making you seem less qualified. It can also leave gaps in your resume that could be better explained by including your educational achievements.

How to List Associate Degree on Resume

List your Associate Degree in the education section of your resume, providing clear and concise details.

  • Degree Name: Include the full title, such as "Associate of Science in Business Administration."
  • Institution: Name the college or university where you earned the degree.
  • Graduation Date: Provide the year you graduated or attended.
  • Location (optional): You can include the city and state if desired.
  • Relevant Coursework (optional): List key courses that align with the job you’re applying for.
  • Honors or GPA (optional): Mention any honors or a high GPA if it's impressive and relevant.

This format ensures your education is easy to read and understand for potential employers.

15 Examples of Listing Associate Degree on Resume

Example 1: Associate of Arts in Graphic Design

Associate of Arts in Graphic Design ABC College, 2019 Relevant Coursework: Digital Media, Typography, Visual Communication

Example 2: Associate of Science in Nursing

Associate of Science in Nursing XYZ Community College, 2021

  • Graduated with Honors
  • Clinical Experience in Pediatrics and Geriatrics

Example 3: Associate Degree in Computer Science

Associate Degree in Computer Science Tech Institute, 2020 Certifications: CompTIA A+, Cisco CCNA

Example 4: Associate of Applied Science in Culinary Arts

Associate of Applied Science in Culinary Arts Culinary Institute of Excellence, 2018

  • Completed Capstone Project: Farm-to-Table Cuisine

Example 5: Associate of Science in Marketing

Associate of Science in Marketing Business School of Anytown, 2022 Relevant Skills: SEO, Market Research, Social Media Management

Example 6: Associate of Science in Information Technology

Associate of Science in Information Technology IT Academy, 2019

  • Award: Dean’s List
  • Specialized in Network Security

Example 7: Associate Degree in Paralegal Studies

Associate Degree in Paralegal Studies Law Prep College, 2021

  • Internship: ABC Law Firm
  • Skills: Legal Research, Document Drafting

Example 8: Associate of Arts in Psychology

Associate of Arts in Psychology City College, 2020

  • Relevant Coursework: Behavioral Psychology, Counseling Techniques

Example 9: Associate of Science in Environmental Science

Associate of Science in Environmental Science Green Valley College, 2019

  • Special Project: Sustainable Urban Development

Example 10: Associate of Science in Accounting

Associate of Science in Accounting Finance and Business School, 2018

  • GPA: 3.8
  • Relevant Courses: Financial Accounting, Taxation

Example 11: Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology

Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology Auto Tech College, 2017

  • Certifications: ASE Certified Technician
  • Capstone Project: Electric Vehicle Systems

Example 12: Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education

Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education Children's Learning College, 2019

  • Practical Experience: Internship at Sunshine Daycare

Example 13: Associate of Science in Criminal Justice

Associate of Science in Criminal Justice Justice Academy, 2020

  • Skills: Crime Scene Investigation, Criminal Law

Example 14: Associate Degree in Web Development

Associate Degree in Web Development Digital Arts College, 2021

  • Relevant Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Projects: Developed a personal portfolio website

Example 15: Associate of Science in Health Information Technology

Associate of Science in Health Information Technology Health Tech University, 2022

  • Coursework: Medical Coding, Health Data Management
  • Internship: General Hospital IT Department

Associate Degree on Resume Tips

  • Include Relevant Details: Mention the full degree name, institution, and graduation date to provide clear information.
  • Highlight Relevant Coursework: If applicable, list coursework that aligns with the job you're applying for.
  • Showcase Achievements: Include honors, awards, or a high GPA to emphasize your academic success.
  • Add Certifications: List any relevant certifications or licenses obtained during your studies.
  • Emphasize Skills: Highlight skills acquired that are transferable to the job, such as communication or technical skills.
  • Mention Internships: Include any internships or practical experiences to show hands-on learning.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Details: Keep the information concise and relevant, avoiding unrelated coursework or activities.
  • Tailor for the Job: Customize the education section to match the job requirements, focusing on the most relevant aspects.
  • Use Consistent Formatting: Ensure your resume has a consistent format for a professional appearance.
  • Update Regularly: Keep your resume up-to-date with any new certifications, skills, or educational achievements.

Should I Include My Associate Degree If I Have a Bachelor's Degree?

Yes, include your Associate Degree if it is relevant to the job or shows a progression in your field. It provides a complete view of your educational background and can highlight additional skills or specializations.

How Should I List an Associate Degree If I Didn’t Complete It?

If you didn't complete the degree, list it as "Incomplete" and include the number of credits earned. This shows that you pursued higher education and gained some knowledge in the field.

Do I Need to List My GPA for an Associate Degree?

Listing your GPA is optional. Include it if it is above 3.0 or if the employer specifically asks for it. Otherwise, focus on relevant coursework and achievements.

Where Should I Place My Associate Degree on My Resume?

Place your Associate Degree in the education section of your resume. If you have substantial work experience, list it after your professional experience; otherwise, list it near the top.

Should I Include Honors or Awards with My Associate Degree?

Yes, include any honors or awards associated with your Associate Degree. This can highlight your academic achievements and make your resume stand out.

Is It Necessary to Mention the Graduation Date?

Yes, including the graduation date helps employers understand the timeline of your education and career. If the degree is recent, it may also demonstrate recent, relevant knowledge.

What If My Associate Degree Is in a Different Field from the Job I’m Applying For?

Include the Associate Degree and focus on transferable skills, relevant coursework, and any specialized knowledge that can apply to the new field. This shows versatility and a broad knowledge base.

How Do I List an Online Associate Degree?

List an online Associate Degree just like a traditional one, including the degree name, institution, and graduation date. Specify "Online" if you want to clarify the mode of study.

Should I Include Internships or Practicums with My Associate Degree?

Yes, include internships or practicums if they are relevant to the job you’re applying for. This demonstrates practical experience and the application of skills learned during your studies.

Can I List an Associate Degree Alongside Certifications?

Yes, you can list certifications alongside your Associate Degree, especially if they complement each other or are relevant to the job. This combination can showcase a well-rounded skill set.

Can I Include a Part-Time or Evening Associate Degree?

Yes, you can include a part-time or evening Associate Degree. Specify it just like any other degree, and if relevant, mention that it was completed while working or managing other commitments, as this demonstrates time management and dedication.

Should I List My Associate Degree Before My Work Experience?

If you have limited work experience, list your Associate Degree near the top of your resume, above work experience. For those with substantial professional experience, place it in the education section below work experience.

How Do I Present Multiple Associate Degrees?

List each Associate Degree separately in the education section, including the degree name, institution, and graduation date for each. If they are in different fields, this can demonstrate a broad skill set and versatility.

Can I List My Associate Degree If It’s from a Non-Accredited Institution?

Yes, you can list it, but clarify that the institution is non-accredited. Focus on the skills and knowledge gained, and consider including relevant coursework or projects to highlight your learning.

Should I Mention Scholarships Received for My Associate Degree?

Yes, mentioning scholarships received for your Associate Degree can demonstrate academic excellence and financial responsibility. It also highlights your commitment to pursuing higher education and your ability to secure competitive opportunities.

Madison Norton

Written By

Madison Norton

VP Marketing & Resume Expert

Madison is the VP Marketing and General Manager at VisualCV. He's a seasoned marketing leader, resume writing and career marketing expert and now helping people grow their own career marketing strategies to build a career they love.

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